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Lady Winter, washing the world anew
at dusk she bathes
in writhing pools of shadow
gathering above tree roots
like thousands of a black-robed congregation,
soundlessly worshipping sun-bleached spines
on a barren altar
or crows buffeting graves below
in dull, overfull murmuration
glowing with light collected from forest floors
stowed away in damp cellars
and sewn into a ragged gown
hanging indecorously from shoulders nearly not-there
she slinks up stoic tree trunks
pining for bony branches
on high, scraping stars out of hollow heavens
leaving only a cataracted moon
to blindly surveil below
the precarious climb undergone
with sharpened talons,
buried in tree-body
coaxing rivulets of aching sap
soon coating skeletal hands
as they heave her toward
gravity’s unknown nemesis
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